Sunday, June 20, 2010

“Unique Beauty”, eh…, hmmm?

“Unique Beauty”, Part 1

What is does unique beauty really mean? - to you.

When I was young and felt short changed on the distribution of beautiful features - I interpreted "You have an unique beauty” to mean "I am diplomatically saying you are not beautiful”.

But now wiser, I define “unique beauty” as the infinite faces of diversity. This change of perspective cannot be attributed to increased self confidence. Actually the real changer is also the cause of this increased self love. It is came from an interesting merger of Ayurveda and a growing understanding of my place in the external world.

We all can easily appreciate the diverse beauty of Nichole Kidman’s fragile Vata beauty along side the strong Kapha beauty of Beyonce Knowles. But we do we feel “unique beautiful” when comparing our physical features to that of camera friendly faces of celebrities.

According to Ayurveda, our “unique beauty” refers to the physical manifestations of our mental and emotional energies. But I found that the uniqueness of our features from colour to shape to size also tell a story of our human journey.

When we understand the importance of our character and our thoughts in shaping our external beauty and the foundation our genetic history in our overall health and beauty, we are less prone to embrace a self defeating definitions of beauty. And we are also less likely to believe or feel that as we grow older we grow less attractive,

A Vata Beauty is fine and delicate. He or she is small boned with small, chiseled features. Due to Vata’s spiritual strength, the physical features tends to be weaker with light pale definition. Vata’s slenderness can be attributed to speed – fast metabolism, fast thinking, quick change and fleeting emotions. Her delicate ethereal beauty evolved from light, cold and dry energy.

Pitta Beauty is in the sharpness of his/her focus. Piercing eyes are hallmark on this logical competitive person’s features. The strength in the mental realm with strong charisma are the characteristics of born leaders. The passion for order and perfection can create imbalance leading to skin sensitivities, rosacea and acne. Her intelligence leads her to strive to become President (of a business, government or organization) and that would trump any desire to be a Miss Universe.
Kapha Beauty is sensuous and voluptuous. Because Kapha’s strength is in the physical; they are strong, beautiful and large. They have large curvaceous features from large eyes fringed with abundant lashes to full lips and thick hair. They have large bone structure and usually have a stocky appearance. She/he is not your average “super model”, but his/her longevity and sensuousness will keep her alluring into old age.

When Kapha understands his/her uniqueness, she/he stops feeling “fat” and start feeling voluptuous and strong.

And Pitta feels beautiful and fulfilled when he/she pursues life work without needing to be a “beauty queen” as well.

Vatas are fortunate to be born with the socially defined characteristics of slim poetic beauty but are even luckier if they start early to develop spiritual or creative talents.

From the foundation of self appreciation and understanding we can see the beauty radiating from our own spirit and to that of others as well.

Next week –how to love our “unique beauty” by discovering our ancestral journey