Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Ayurvedic Doshas

For those unfamiliar with Pure + simple I have prepared a succinct description of Ayurveda, the science or study of life.

Ayurveda is based on the Indian concept of holistic healthy living which recognizes the three types of energy referred to as Doshas. Everything seen and unseen in our world has all three characteristics but in most one or two Doshas dominate. The Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

Vata : Air, Ether Energy

Vatas are slim, small boned people with chiseled features. Their skins are delicate, thin with small pores. Their complexions darken with age due to loss of moisture. They need to take care of their skin from a young age due to their skin’s natural dry dehydrated state.
Vatas are spiritual, creative, and innovative. They make good spiritual leaders, strategists and entrepreneurs as they invite change and are risk takers.

When Vata is in imbalance the afflicted person can appear fickle, indecisive, unpredictable, and confused and confusing. Their skin will be parched appearing dry, dull and with fine and or deep lines.

Vata governs the nervous system so when nervous disorders, like mental illnesses or physical shaking appear there is usually a Vata imbalance whether Vata is the dominant Doshas or not.

Pitta : Fire, Water Energy

Pittas are of a medium, athletic build. Their skins have a golden hue with redness caused by dilated capillaries. Pittas can reveal themselves with their red toned hair and piercing eyes.

To avoid redness, rosacea, moles and hyper pigmentation, Pittas need to keep their skin hydrated and protect their skin from inflammation from excess sun, heat or wind. Pittas are prone to acne due to the heat caused by diet, toxins or stress.

Pittas are intelligent, logical and love fairness. They make good leaders in Business, Politics and Law as they enjoy competition, power, order and status.

When Pitta is in imbalance, the person is irritable, petty, overly structured and overly competitive. Skin can appear red, acneic and congested, like it is swollen.

Pitta imbalances show in inflammatory disorders like hypertension and heat rashes and allergic disorders like intolerances, allergies and eczema

Kapha : Earth, Water
Kaphas have a large bone structure and can be fleshy, curvaceous. They have oily skin which if Kapha is in balance will have a healthy glow with even poring.

To avoid skin that appears deeply lined, orange peel texture and cystic acne, Kaphas need to make sure they keep their skins hydrated to prevent excess oil production.

Kaphas strength is physical. They have strong stamina and their bodies can maintain a youthful appearance into old age. Kahas are dependable, loyal, nurturing and work well with routine.

Kaphas make good bankers, accountants, administrators and for those who prefer physical work, tradesmen and craftsmen.

When Kapha is in imbalance, a person can appear to be overly possessive, greedy and dependent. There can be a tendency for depression.

Imbalances with Kapha can lead to cancer, hypothyroidism and diabetes.

For chart of the characteristics go to:

For a more complete description go to for information on BEAUTY 2.0 by Kristen Ma

Battling AGING

Marketers use the term “Anti-aging” to attract the attention of aging boomers and proactive Generation Xer and Yer’s. While aging is the process of life, we spend a great deal of effort and money fighting it. When we are young, we welcome the changes as a journey of growth.

Whether it is advertising or precociousness, our battle against aging is beginning at a younger age. Clients in their twenties realize their mortality and become consumers of anti-aging.

As a natural skincare specialist, I prefer sensible, healthy, non-risky strategies for both the boomers who are looking to turn back time and for the younger Xers + Yers who want to head into their wiser years with physical, youthful beauty. Our clients at Pure + simple’s clients are independent thinkers and healthy lifestylers who are cognoscente of the importance of natural products and a balanced and long term out look but they are no less compromising about looking their best and than any other market segment. Their vision of beauty includes health, character and individuality.

Therefore the solutions are innovative and vary with the individuality of our clients. The core criteria are healthy tested treatments, effective natural products and long term results.

The variations in treatments depend on the current condition of the client’s skin, the desired result, his/her budget, his/her time/effort commitment, treatment compatibility and personal beliefs and preferences.

Those of us who want easy solutions with little effort to gain youthfulness can become willingly duped. Effective anti-aging is a lifelong combination of good lifestyle habits and good genetics. Consistent adherence to good diet, proper exercise and healthy grooming/skincare can do much to a lifetime of increasing and deepening beauty. Magical or aggressive solutions are at best boosters or support to a healthy lifestyle.

My anti-aging solutions grew out of my professional experience of client needs, the results we got, along with my own aging experience and Ayurveda. Looking and being beautiful doesn’t need to be a struggle or a battle. It can come to you naturally as you flow with the energies of the universe