Sunday, January 23, 2011

Kapha Time : Balancing health and beauty to Winter's energy

When is Kapha Time?

There is a Kapha time of day which is 6:00am to 10am and again in the evening at 6:00pm to 10pm.

There is the Kapha time of our lives which is from birth to about 20 years old – for some it is 18 for others 25. As in everything Ayurveda or Asian; – it depends.

The weather can be Kapha anytime of the year but the season that is considered Kapha is winter to the beginning of spring. Now again this depends --- on geography.

In Toronto, Kapha Season is usually around end of December to about May. That is winter to early spring.

In San Francisco, due to the difference of temperature of the breezes of the ocean being forced together with the air of the land, Kapha season can seem continuous.

What is Kapha Time?

Kapha Time occurs when the energy of Kapha is dominant in the environment. In Toronto it is commonly cold and high humidity weather. Secondary characteristics are heavy, slow and unchanging.

In Toronto Kapha energy’s dominance is felt in winter when it is cold and with wet heavy snow.

In other locals like water front cities like, San Francisco and London, the fog is a very visible and constant Kapha feature.

How does Kapha Times affect us?

Well it depends. We all have dominant Doshas; Vata, Pitta, Kapha. For Dosha characteristics go to

We can all have Dosha imbalances. This means that when a Dosha whether it is our dominant one or not can dominate causing symptoms reflecting the negative characteristics of the Dosha.

Then --- we have all different degrees of all the Doshas so while we have dominant Doshas and we can have imbalances, at anytime another Doshas can influence our behavior , attitude and health.

So to use the following effectively you need to know yourself and understand the relativity of the influence Kapha will have on you at any given situation and time in this season.

Generally it is the following.


The high humidity environment will allow Vata’s to indulge in those dry foods which those of us who easily dehydrate avoid. These foods will have less impact.

The external moisture will give Vata skin a break. While circulation can be slowed by the cold, skin is less dry than in the previous months.

Kapha energy can slow Vata’s down and Vata may sleep more. All good things for this very frenetic and busy person.


The cold temperature can allow Pittas to indulge in the spicy foods that tend to give them heat, redness, inflammation and irritability.

The cold may reduce inflammation of the skin. But for Pitta Kaphas or Kpaha Pittas this may be a time that is ripe for blemishes and flare ups from accumulation.

Kapha’s patient energy can lower Pitta’s stress level by lessening competitiveness and the desire to overachieve.


Kaphas need to balance the environmental influences with diet and activity.

Kaphas need to eat stimulating foods so adding spices like ginger, cinnamon and peppers is helpful. They need to avoid heavy, sweet and fatty foods like dairy, grains, nuts and red meat.

To keep their complexions beautiful they need to stimulate blood flow with exfoliants and light serums and moisturizers.

To prevent depression, lethargy, over dependency, over possessiveness and feeling stuff with energetic exercise like aerobics, martial arts and running.