We are heading into autumn and as the seasons change, we change. The weather will affect our health and our appearance as it becomes cooler and drier.
We can lessen its affect with a change in diet and skincare. Those of us in our mature years of forty plus can benefit from eating moist and sweet foods of fall harvest like root vegetables. We can serve them cooked in stews or bake them in casseroles or pies. This is the best time for us to eat red meats.
As for skincare, we need to increase moisture replenishment with an addition of a serum or if you are already doing that, add an oil. Increased moisture retention can be attained with a heavier cream. This will ensure you look fresh and dewy even in the gloomiest days of October and November.
Keeping skin moist has another benefit. It will help keep your circulation optimal to lessen your sense of cold especially in your hands and feet. For more information on the impact of moisture on your health go to http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/03/vanity-is-good-for-you.html or any past blog.
It will also ensure your skin cells are replenished with nourishment and hydration and ensure that cellular debris is removed. This prevents that dull congested look you have accepted as a consequence of the colder season.
If you do not have regular facials, this is an ideal time to have a facial to correct any abuses your skin encountered in the summer like dehydration from carefree skincare or skin damage from over exposure to sun. Ask your esthetician for recommendations that will keep you skin looking moist and youthful.
I personally greet new seasons with a one day fast to give poor overwork organs a rest and to clear the colon. This allows the liver and other organs to detoxify.
And if you do not get enough sleep; 7-8 hours a night; 24 hour fasts can help replenish much need human growth hormones (remember the 3rd stage of aging : sagging skin?). This may be due to the fact that a regular housecleaning keeps your circulation cleaner and nourishes cells better and removes toxins more efficiently.
The nights grow longer advising us to sleep more. Learning to relax is very beneficial to skin and overall health. To encourage better relaxation take up calming exercises like Yoga and Tai Chi. Massage you body with oil or your favourite moisturizer each night. If that seems too much, try massaging your hands and feet and scalp only. You will not only feel more relaxed but feet and hand will be warmer and softer.
Then just make yourself a hot drink and give yourself a relaxing evening.
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