Beautiful eyes are a sight to behold but what about sight itself? Are you resigned to the inevitability of sight deterioration as you age? Are you just going to accept reading glasses as you enter middle age? Do you believe that weakening vision, especially night vision is natural as time passes?
With each visit to my optometrist, I resolutely accepted the increasing weakening of my vision as a sign of aging. My prescription did not change but I wore my glasses more and my night vision was a scary concern as I begin to make more effort when driving in the dark.
Then one day my perception of sight, my sight, changed.
Just before the Christmas Holidays, I began correcting my vision to become glasses-free. I had met John Yee ( learn more about John’s innovative solution to near sightedness at http://www.theeyefix.com/ ) at the Whole Life Expo and after listening to his explanation of how he could correct my short sightedness without the risk of laser I decided to try his simple risk free solution to improve eye sight.
Glasses were a way of life for me. I come to loved hiding behind any one of my three pairs of prescription fashion sunglasses. I rarely wore glasses indoors but I did wear them at special occasions to replace the eye makeup I had grown allergic to. See FOR YOUR EYES ONLY to understand and relieve dry eyes.
Did you know that obeying your optometrist can worsen your eye sight? According to John my neglectful act saved my eye sight! Prescriptions are filled according to our night vision which is poorer than day vision. Therefore we all end up wearing glasses that are too strong for us during the day!! And that weakens our vision over a period of time. Since I did not wear my glasses religiously my prescription did not increase over time making John’s job of improving my vision quicker and easier.
To improve my vision all I need to do was to insert the lenses in my eyes for one minute three times a week and exercise my eyes by looking into the far distance. The lenses corrected my vision by changing the shape of my eyes.
John changed my lenses as my vision improved and with each new pair of lenses my vision improved. John generously lent me weaker glasses to compensate for weaker vision a night mainly for driving.
It’s been almost four months that I am glasses free. To maintain my vision I insert the lenses and exercise my eyes weekly now.
It is very frightening how little I knew about my vision and my eyes before correcting my vision naturally.
With my obstacle free vision, I have become more aware of how my eyes change as I go through changes in my monthly ovulation schedule and from the foods I eat and the stress I create in my life. I feel the dehydrating effects of the foods I am allergic to. My eyes would dry out and sometimes even water.
Now when I tell a client suffering from rosacea that eating Pitta foods are not good for her skin as red meat and oily foods make her capillaries dilate, I know how what dilating capillaries really mean as I feel the consequences of blurry vision.
While blurry vision is not great, I am thrilled with the discovery of the true meaning of holistic health. I welcome any experiences you have as you discover the miracle of your mind body and spirit.
I also now understand why my eyes are so allergic to make up. The drier the eyes are them more sensitive they become. Another opportunity to better help clients with sensitive or allergic eyes.
With each visit to my optometrist, I resolutely accepted the increasing weakening of my vision as a sign of aging. My prescription did not change but I wore my glasses more and my night vision was a scary concern as I begin to make more effort when driving in the dark.
Then one day my perception of sight, my sight, changed.
Just before the Christmas Holidays, I began correcting my vision to become glasses-free. I had met John Yee ( learn more about John’s innovative solution to near sightedness at http://www.theeyefix.com/ ) at the Whole Life Expo and after listening to his explanation of how he could correct my short sightedness without the risk of laser I decided to try his simple risk free solution to improve eye sight.
Glasses were a way of life for me. I come to loved hiding behind any one of my three pairs of prescription fashion sunglasses. I rarely wore glasses indoors but I did wear them at special occasions to replace the eye makeup I had grown allergic to. See FOR YOUR EYES ONLY to understand and relieve dry eyes.
Did you know that obeying your optometrist can worsen your eye sight? According to John my neglectful act saved my eye sight! Prescriptions are filled according to our night vision which is poorer than day vision. Therefore we all end up wearing glasses that are too strong for us during the day!! And that weakens our vision over a period of time. Since I did not wear my glasses religiously my prescription did not increase over time making John’s job of improving my vision quicker and easier.
To improve my vision all I need to do was to insert the lenses in my eyes for one minute three times a week and exercise my eyes by looking into the far distance. The lenses corrected my vision by changing the shape of my eyes.
John changed my lenses as my vision improved and with each new pair of lenses my vision improved. John generously lent me weaker glasses to compensate for weaker vision a night mainly for driving.
It’s been almost four months that I am glasses free. To maintain my vision I insert the lenses and exercise my eyes weekly now.
It is very frightening how little I knew about my vision and my eyes before correcting my vision naturally.
With my obstacle free vision, I have become more aware of how my eyes change as I go through changes in my monthly ovulation schedule and from the foods I eat and the stress I create in my life. I feel the dehydrating effects of the foods I am allergic to. My eyes would dry out and sometimes even water.
Now when I tell a client suffering from rosacea that eating Pitta foods are not good for her skin as red meat and oily foods make her capillaries dilate, I know how what dilating capillaries really mean as I feel the consequences of blurry vision.
While blurry vision is not great, I am thrilled with the discovery of the true meaning of holistic health. I welcome any experiences you have as you discover the miracle of your mind body and spirit.
I also now understand why my eyes are so allergic to make up. The drier the eyes are them more sensitive they become. Another opportunity to better help clients with sensitive or allergic eyes.