For me it mainly meant maintaining body health so I could accomplish my goals and my mental pursuits.
From the age of nineteen when I read my first Adele Davis book on natural health, I have spent a lot of time and effort on learning and living a healthier and healthier physical life.
Even though I gained much mental and spiritual growth from my daily Yoga and Chi Kung practice, the main impetus was physical health improvement.
But I have experienced great leaps of personal growth from the help of fortunetellers and therapists the few times I have seen them. In my early thirties, as a single mother of a toddler, I visited Andrianna King, a psychic that totally changed my perception of who I was. She told me that I was living according to that 25% of myself that was a risk taker. And to find happiness I needed to allow the 75% of myself as security seeker to be fulfilled. I changed my career from designer to sales representation. This change increased my income greatly, lessen my work load and gave me consistent work hours allowing me to better care for my daughter.
As I entered my forties, I saw a therapist who was very helpful in discovering my ADD. For some the knowledge can be received negatively, but all advice allows us choice in creating a better life for ourselves. ADD was an “aha!” moment for me. It unlocked the fundamental reason for some of the adverse behavior and the negative outcome of those behaviors in my life. Surprising happy outcomes included better physical health, more self confidence and a higher awareness level.
Last year, I accompanied a friend who needed a ride to visit a fortuneteller in Mississauga. Steven Kien Dao was highly recommended but fortunetelling has always been both an instant psychiatry session and a lark. I have found good fortunetellers can me insight that may take months or even years in therapy.
We met Steven in his apartment and he politely greeted us but told us not to talk to him except to ask questions. This was reassuring of the value of our visit to me. Steven was very helpful to both my friend and I as he got to the heart of the matter of what was blocking our personal success and happiness.
Before he revealed to me that I would be happier being single, he introduced it by saying he has no idea what my marital status was and what he had to say came without judgment of good or bad. This unexpected wisdom made his advice even more credible. This advice was very freeing even to the then almost fifty four year old. I had believed that I could not pair up like everyone else because either I had not found my perfect soul mate for me or I had to correct some imperfection that made me hard to live with. Phew!, two less things to do. But the best outcome was my appreciation of the special person who has stood steadfast by me.
Since I have owned a successful business for 8 years, I initially refuted his advice to love money more. I was also surprised since his fee of eighty dollars was lower than I expected and he explained the fee was honourary and he did not want to charge more. I later realized that like most sages his advice was free of cultural beliefs and he understood the relativity of each characteristic for each individual’s success. I finally embraced finance, which I found the most unattractive duty of owning my business. And just in time to make sure I had created the security of a sound business foundation for my employees and myself.
During the past year, I have found his advice has guided me to higher success in both business and personal life. While I have always been a happy person, it was due more to an optimistic outlook than to a life with little hardship and failures. Last year my life was more effortless and more fortunate. From this experience I have realized that much of our hardships and failures are due to our misaligned beliefs and actions.
I was so happy with my experience that both my daughter and I visited Steven this year. Steven again gave good fundamental advice. As her mother I knew Steven gave advice would not only improve her leadership skills through better communications but in turn help her achieve her potential personally.
For me I am again allowing his advice guide me and I will know the success of his advice and my ability to change next year.
If you would like to invest also an hour and eighty dollars to see how you increase your power over your future outcomes, you can contact Steven by telephone at 416-846-0588 and by e-mail stevendaok@hotmail.com