Battling Cellulite
Spring is here and as summer approaches we reveal more skin. So at this time of the year, our skincare focus expands beyond our faces as we take closer looks at our legs and feet -- arms and hands ---and tummies more critically.
While weight loss may be a concern for some and the big focus is cellulite. Stubborn cellulite on our limbs and stomachs can frustrate even the thinnest and the most athletic of us.
We despair as the unattractive texture appears on the underside of our bicep and the backs of our legs as our skin thins with aging. The most disappointed are the slimmer and more athletic of us as cellulite shows more easily as the skin becomes thinner and loses the cushion of the fatty layer to reveal the accumulation of fat and toxins.
For those of us who want to look better and find solutions to lessening this accumulation of toxins, we also get other healthy benefits. Circulation is improved giving us more moist skin and I personally got slimmer shapelier legs. After a life of envy of those like my sister, who had long slim legs, I had finally resigned myself to more generously proportioned legs. But to my surprise my cellulite treatments gave me the slimmer legs that had eluded me in my youth.
I loved the results so much I wanted to share this great experience with clients. As I was training to do cellulite treatments, I was surprised to see that even my skinny arms had cellulite. While my cellulite was visible it was not severe enough to hurt. I found that people with stage three and four (more severe) cellulite were more sensitive to massage sometimes even to touch in those areas. So those of us with the worst cases could not tolerate the most effective cure very well.
So what are some viable options to lessen cellulite?
The best options, like anything for the long term, are the ones that included your own efforts. So Liposuction is not included. While Liposuction is an option for people who want to get rid of adipose fat but it does not lessen cellulite. Adipose fat is the fat from being overweight while cellulite is interwoven into the third layer of your skin.
Endermologie is one of my favourite treatments because its kneading massage movement is a welcomed relaxing feeling and it delivers great results. The results are not merely cosmetic but does reduce cellulite so that you get an overall health benefit of better circulation in your legs. A great place to have this done is in Markham where endermologie is popular with the Chinese Canadian women from Hong Kong and the therapists are passionate enough to keep updated about their work. At certain times of the year, you can get some very good deals. Nancy at MK Laser Clinic (www.mklaserclinic.com) was my successful introduction to endermologie. Her treatments gave me fast enough results to stick with it and to start a home program. Another great place get endermologie is Perrine Spa (905-763-3880). Annie the owner is continually updating her ability to get rid of cellulite with tips from her colleagues in Hong Kong.
The quick results from endermologie helped to encourage my effective self care.
Self-care is important for cellulite management long term. Benefits are its deep affects on your overall health and your appearance. It requires little other than dedication and it is simple to do. Starting results are slow if you do not support it with endermologie, so strong commitment needed.
An example of a simple quick home program begins daily with a brisk dry brush of your skin especially the areas with cellulite. It gets the circulation going and removes dead skin. Then jump into the shower. After towel drying massage skin with a good moisturizer. Work the areas you want to be rid of cellulite more vigorously.
Daily exercise is very, very helpful. I do yoga n the morning so I make sure lunge postures are part of my routine. Other great exercise practices include, walking, cycling, running, aerobics. Daily exercise will increase the speed and quality of the results. Choosing ones you enjoy is important so you will continue for the long term
Weekly care can include a hot steam sauna, hot baths with Epsom salts and a massage treatment. I am currently get reflexology from a very caring and knowledgeable reflexologist, Jean Louie. She comes to my home in the evenings twice a week. You can contact her at jean.reflexology@gmail.com
Dr. Wu at http://www.asian-acupuncture.com/ has been my energy tonic as I visit her regularly to balance and boost my body. Lately I have noticed a numb feeling just before my period so I have asked her to do some acupuncture and cupping on my front thighs to stimulate the circulation. This simple treatment has improved my comfort in this very trying time of my month so I am less moody and irritated the week before menstruation.
So you see keeping skin moist is not just beneficial for our faces, but will promote better circulation in our bodies. The secret to health and beauty is circulation.
What starts out merely as a cellulite treatment can slim down a disproportionate heavier body part, moistening chronically skin and relieve cold hands and feet.
Are the TV ads by makers of the pills for restless leg syndrome making you wonder about the lose - lose proposition of taking easy pharmaceuticals and the win – win of just a little effort and logical thinking?
Spring is here and as summer approaches we reveal more skin. So at this time of the year, our skincare focus expands beyond our faces as we take closer looks at our legs and feet -- arms and hands ---and tummies more critically.
While weight loss may be a concern for some and the big focus is cellulite. Stubborn cellulite on our limbs and stomachs can frustrate even the thinnest and the most athletic of us.
We despair as the unattractive texture appears on the underside of our bicep and the backs of our legs as our skin thins with aging. The most disappointed are the slimmer and more athletic of us as cellulite shows more easily as the skin becomes thinner and loses the cushion of the fatty layer to reveal the accumulation of fat and toxins.
For those of us who want to look better and find solutions to lessening this accumulation of toxins, we also get other healthy benefits. Circulation is improved giving us more moist skin and I personally got slimmer shapelier legs. After a life of envy of those like my sister, who had long slim legs, I had finally resigned myself to more generously proportioned legs. But to my surprise my cellulite treatments gave me the slimmer legs that had eluded me in my youth.
I loved the results so much I wanted to share this great experience with clients. As I was training to do cellulite treatments, I was surprised to see that even my skinny arms had cellulite. While my cellulite was visible it was not severe enough to hurt. I found that people with stage three and four (more severe) cellulite were more sensitive to massage sometimes even to touch in those areas. So those of us with the worst cases could not tolerate the most effective cure very well.
So what are some viable options to lessen cellulite?
The best options, like anything for the long term, are the ones that included your own efforts. So Liposuction is not included. While Liposuction is an option for people who want to get rid of adipose fat but it does not lessen cellulite. Adipose fat is the fat from being overweight while cellulite is interwoven into the third layer of your skin.
Endermologie is one of my favourite treatments because its kneading massage movement is a welcomed relaxing feeling and it delivers great results. The results are not merely cosmetic but does reduce cellulite so that you get an overall health benefit of better circulation in your legs. A great place to have this done is in Markham where endermologie is popular with the Chinese Canadian women from Hong Kong and the therapists are passionate enough to keep updated about their work. At certain times of the year, you can get some very good deals. Nancy at MK Laser Clinic (www.mklaserclinic.com) was my successful introduction to endermologie. Her treatments gave me fast enough results to stick with it and to start a home program. Another great place get endermologie is Perrine Spa (905-763-3880). Annie the owner is continually updating her ability to get rid of cellulite with tips from her colleagues in Hong Kong.
The quick results from endermologie helped to encourage my effective self care.
Self-care is important for cellulite management long term. Benefits are its deep affects on your overall health and your appearance. It requires little other than dedication and it is simple to do. Starting results are slow if you do not support it with endermologie, so strong commitment needed.
An example of a simple quick home program begins daily with a brisk dry brush of your skin especially the areas with cellulite. It gets the circulation going and removes dead skin. Then jump into the shower. After towel drying massage skin with a good moisturizer. Work the areas you want to be rid of cellulite more vigorously.
Daily exercise is very, very helpful. I do yoga n the morning so I make sure lunge postures are part of my routine. Other great exercise practices include, walking, cycling, running, aerobics. Daily exercise will increase the speed and quality of the results. Choosing ones you enjoy is important so you will continue for the long term
Weekly care can include a hot steam sauna, hot baths with Epsom salts and a massage treatment. I am currently get reflexology from a very caring and knowledgeable reflexologist, Jean Louie. She comes to my home in the evenings twice a week. You can contact her at jean.reflexology@gmail.com
Dr. Wu at http://www.asian-acupuncture.com/ has been my energy tonic as I visit her regularly to balance and boost my body. Lately I have noticed a numb feeling just before my period so I have asked her to do some acupuncture and cupping on my front thighs to stimulate the circulation. This simple treatment has improved my comfort in this very trying time of my month so I am less moody and irritated the week before menstruation.
So you see keeping skin moist is not just beneficial for our faces, but will promote better circulation in our bodies. The secret to health and beauty is circulation.
What starts out merely as a cellulite treatment can slim down a disproportionate heavier body part, moistening chronically skin and relieve cold hands and feet.
Are the TV ads by makers of the pills for restless leg syndrome making you wonder about the lose - lose proposition of taking easy pharmaceuticals and the win – win of just a little effort and logical thinking?