Forget about Prozac and get your serotonin straight from the sun.
There are Chi Kung Practices that can improve your improve your moods and your sleep experience.
Sunning Chi Kung is basically going outside and facing up directly towards the sun and allow your eyes to feel its warmth and light.. All you need is 3 minutes and 3 times a day. I get my 2 for 1 by doing Bone Breathing.
Oops – I know we are all suppose to be hiding from the sun with hats, sunglasses and SPF due to fear of sun damage leading to skin cancer.
Both beliefs can be true. Remember that “it depends”.
Master Gilles Marin explains that we sunburn when we have an acidic body ph. We all know Acid PH is not good for our health. I for one have been drinking gallons of water with chlorophyll and have the greenish tinged teeth to prove it. I alos have been avoiding acidic foods. But all to no avail. My PH tests with PH paper always have me in the acid range and my skin usually burn before those many shade lighter (with less melanin for sun protection).
He also discourages the use of sunglasses which fools our body into believing it is dark out and therefore does not prepare to protect skin with increased melanin production to prevent burning. According to him sunglasses are a potential skin cancer trigger.
Most people who are acidic in nature or have sensitive skin and have light sensitive eyes. My sunning practice has reduced my eyes’ light sensitivity so I no longer need to wear sunglasses.
The sun increases our ability to produce serotonin which makes our moods more positive and lessens depression. It also reduces Body Acidic PH. It also gives us better sleep as the serotonin turns to Melatonin at night.
For those who do not easily fall asleep; no computer work or TV watching 1 hour before bedtime.
To practice this Chi Kung with the teachings and guidance of Master Gilles Marin; get the Sunning Chi Kung CD at http://www.chineitsang.com/cnti/Sunning.html