It is almost August and you have been exposing your feet in strappy sandals for over a month. The pedicures are not lasting as long. The polish is okay but your feet and especially your heels are dry.
Exposing feet tends to allow the skin to dry.
Dry skin gets callused easily.
Dry skin also slows down circulation which results in drier skin still.
Dry skin also lets in bacteria and fungus to possibly cause future problems of athlete’s foot, foot fungus, and nail fungus.
Many people use nail polish to hide nail problems but the chemicals in the polish just increase your problems especially with yellow nails and nail fungus.
Diabetics are more prone to suffer from foot infections, ulcers and fungus even athlete’s foot. And we all are more prone to these foot diseases as we age.
What do these too groups have in common? – Poor circulation. Blood that is not re-circulated often enough can be toxic. The lack of circulation is also the cause of dry skin, edema and cold feet.
To help increase circulation if you are diabetic or a Kapha you can do aerobic exercise, follow a Kapha diet and keep skin on the feet moist with a body lotion.
For conventional medical advice similar to the Kapha diet to prevent the above diseases go to http://www.reversegangrene.com/foot_gangrene_diet.htm
For Vatas-- keep feet warm and moist to maintain good circulation and prevent future problems.
For more information on foot and nail fungus go to http://seniorhealth.about.com/cs/footconditions/a/toenail_fungus.htm
When we are not afflicted with defined diseases, we can be neglectful of our feet.
But prevention is the best way to avoid foot problems and to maintain beautiful legs and feet.
Some easy rules are;
1. Keep skin on feet moist. Vatas can use a rich cream like Martina Gebhardt Chamomile Cream.
Pittas are recommended to use a medium rich body lotion in the summer like Pure + simple’s Intensive Body Lotion
While Kaphas can use a light hydrating lotion like Jurlique Citrus Hand + Body Lotion
2. Use a nail brush and a gentle cleanser like Pure + simple Shower Gel to clean feet and toe nails daily.
3. Maintain the circulation with exercise and reflexology massage. Jean Louie will bring her healing hands to you. Learn more about jean at http://jeanlouiereflexology.com/
4. In the winter protect circulation of the feet and legs by keeping feet warm.