Are you a bit frustrated with a chronic affliction despite your healthy lifestyle and choices? Me too.
From Naturopaths and Traditional Chinese Doctors to educating myself in Ayurveda, I have seen my health improve from severe allergies, extreme brain fog and low energy to my current “almost normal” health. I could carry on with the small inconveniences.
But my inability to digest legumes, grains and dairy make it impossible for me to attain my goal of becoming vegetarian. While I love the taste of meat, I am not so comfortable with the consumption of fellow beings as well as the inefficient cost of it on our already stressed environment.
So on my journey to better digestion I encounter Gilles Marin, Chi Nei Tsang and now to Kadro, a teacher and Chi Nei Tsang practitioner in Toronto..
Kadro, like Gilles is a student of Master Mantak Chia. For more information about Khadro and her classes and treatments go to Khadro's Facebook page
Chi Nei Tsang is not like most healing modalities where the practitioner takes charge of your healing. Khadro encourages my participation during your treatment and between treatments I have my homework.
I welcome this as I want to be in charge of my health and to not depend on the skills or goodness of others. But the real reward is self discovery on all levels of mind body spirit. At least that is my experience with Kadro.
Kadro started with exploration my abdomen and quickly discovered congestion in my stomach/ pancreas area meaning an imbalance in my Earth energy. She further explored and revealed her suspicion that the congestion is very old maybe even from my past life.
My digestive problems have been with me since I remember. And I discovered Chi Nei Tsang when I wanted to touch my pancreas and see if I could influence its function manually. I blogged about this at Chi Nei Tsang
She found that there was blockage in my sigmoid colon. That is the right side descending colon where I have complaining to medical doctors who have prescribed numerous colonoscopies. Their prognosis? Nothing -- I was normal. Since I was not feeling normal I came to the conclusion conventional medicine with all its expensive hi tech equipment, was inadequate in keep us really healthy.
Kadro believed that the imbalance in my earth organs resulted in improperly digested food. And this further resulted in my chronic constipation.
We cannot not eliminate that what we have not digested whether it is food, ideas and emotions. This can result in us hoarding things; mind body spirit. Hoarding is one of the hallmarks of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), which I have been diagnosed with. Hope Chi Nei Tsang will keep me off the reality shows J
Dorothy said that I may tremble if the session assists me in releasing. During the second half of the treatment, I felt I uncomfortable and wanted to conclude the session. But instead I remain still. After that feeling left and I felt a clarity in my body and mind, I realized that I had experience the trembling she warned about.
Kadro said it was a behavioral pattern that was probably created by early undigested traumatic experiences where I used numbness as a solution to avoid emotional pain.
So I left understanding myself more and the feeling that my mind could take my physical health to better digestion.
My homework was to start digesting events in my life and start to make decisions where I sort things etc into things that are beneficial to me that I want to keep, things that are neutral and finally discard things I don’t need. She also advised me to treasure the things I keep.
So what am I doing to improve my digestion?
Daily, I am strengthening my Earth Energy with the help of Earth Chi Kung that is taught on Gilles Marin’s CD. Find it at Harmonizing Our Inner Earth
I am taking the time to consciously eat without distraction and chewing my meals more thoroughly.
I am trying to unclutter my life by making decisions what I want to keep in my life.
Each of us will have a difference relationship with Kadro or any of our healers because we all come from different experiences and have different needs.
Along with working at your health beyond the physical, a Chi Nei Tsang practitioner may make us uncomfortable by revealing what our bodies saying. To put up defenses and ignoring the advice is neither better nor worse than taking the advice and running with it. Chi Nei Tsang teaches us that we can only deal effectively with the information when we are ready.