Dry Skin and Absent Mindedness are part of middle age because they both are the result of the same energy.
The days are getting shorter. The weather is telling us to sleep longer. While you are beginning to become more absentminded or feeling spacey your Vata is becoming unbalanced and sleep is an excellent way to regain groundedness.
It is harvest time for hearty ground vegetables like potatoes, carrots yams and for nourishing gourds like squash and pumpkin. These are excellent food to nourish and moisten our insides.
While you may be oblivious to your internal dehydration and the lapses of mental acuity may be overlooked or forgotten, excess Vata in the windy turbulent autumn environment gets you right in your face. There in your mirror is dry dull skin that looks years older than just a week ago.
My secret to the fountain of youth is to wear a hydrating gel mask to sleep. Night time is rejuvenation and repair time. While skin is in protection mode in the day time it is hard at work repairing damaged skin cells and producing new ones through the night.
Make sure you wash your skin of pollutants and dirt first. A real convenience is Pure + simple Skin Smoothing Collagen Mask. No need to fuss with toners and serums before apply it. Just apply it straight after you cleanse and you wake up looking fresh and your skin looks plump.
During the day, apply a high quality serum like Collagen Elastin Plus before a richer moisturizer like Martina Gebhardt’s Evening Primrose Face Cream. This cream is natural, rich and great for those of us loosing our Estrogen,
For a skincare routine that is customized to your skin’s needs and to your personal preferences, visit one of Pure + simple’s 4 locations and enlist the help of a natural skincare specialist to create your own special routine to beautiful skin even in fall and winter.
Whether you follow my routine or develop one more suitable to you, commit to keeping it until next March. If you don’t waste energy second guessing your decision you will have one less thing cluttering up your active mind.
Now that you feel better about yourself, you can look at ways to balance the excess Vata in the environment and in you. No matter what Dosha is your main Dosha, you are in the Vata stage of your life (forty plus years old). This strong creative energy can lead you to increased spiritualism but also contributes to your forgetfulness, indecisiveness and dryness.
Increase your time for healing metabolism and energizing with more sleep as days grow shorter. After September 21 days are proportionally shorter with intensity of sunlight
Create more routine in your life. Vatas need to discipline themselves in conserving energy with less change and impulse with regular routines.
I have taken more time away from work. I found that somehow there is no great urgency over this. Hmmm, so I am not so indispensable.
You will find that planning is easier once you edit the list of activities on your to do list. Trying to plan them all in is so Vata.
Rest and eat a hearty meal before you make your choices as excess Vata will increase your indecisiveness.
Then after you have completed your plan, warm and hydrate yourself by treating yourself to a steamy hot sauna.