So now that you are holistic about your physical aging, who can guide us through emotional aging. How do we leave behind the being the model adult we spent all our lives striving to achieve. And embark onto another learning journey to our later years with sagacity and avoid the foolishness of “not acting our age”?
Ayurveda calls our years after forty, the Vata stage of our life. In popular culture, we call this period our twilight years. Whatever is our Dosha; Vata, Pitta, Kapha; we all become more Vata as we enter this time of our life. That means as we age, we become more in touch with our creativity and spirituality and we also get the dry skin, the creaky bones and forgetfulness.
In my twenties, I had the fortune have fallen in love with the works of Simone DeBeauvoir so that I came into contact witrh a positive and realistic preview of my coming middle age years. One of those books was DeBeauvoir's third volume (later years) of her autobiography which was poetically titled, “When Things of the Spirit come First”. I have benefited from her example of holistic beauty emulating from her acquired wisdom and strength of character.
Ayurveda calls our years after forty, the Vata stage of our life. In popular culture, we call this period our twilight years. Whatever is our Dosha; Vata, Pitta, Kapha; we all become more Vata as we enter this time of our life. That means as we age, we become more in touch with our creativity and spirituality and we also get the dry skin, the creaky bones and forgetfulness.
In my twenties, I had the fortune have fallen in love with the works of Simone DeBeauvoir so that I came into contact witrh a positive and realistic preview of my coming middle age years. One of those books was DeBeauvoir's third volume (later years) of her autobiography which was poetically titled, “When Things of the Spirit come First”. I have benefited from her example of holistic beauty emulating from her acquired wisdom and strength of character.
But in our Youth Loving culture, there are few positive, realistic models of middle age for us to learn from. So again, I am fortunate. I discovered Nuala O’Faolain (
The book inspired me to live and love my middle age mind, spirit, face and body for its strengths and its follies. It also showed me that I do not need to learn to go into my later years quietly. I went on line and ordered her other books but it was a sad consolation to learn that she had passed away last year.
Nuala; her writing enables you to feel familiar enough to be on a first name basis; became a published author after her mid fifties. So go for your dreams, late bloomers.
Nuala; her writing enables you to feel familiar enough to be on a first name basis; became a published author after her mid fifties. So go for your dreams, late bloomers.
She writes with the honest, raw emotions of transiting from adult woman to wise woman. Her clear language transcends culture. Her ability to observe her emotions in complicated relationships of step families will stir up your own emotions. Her candidness of her dysfunctions may help you to come out from behind yours. Denial or repression are impediments to your personal journey to wisdom and wholeness.
Having difficulty with this new reality of your “later years”? Read Nuala. Celebrate romance at sixty. Identify with the complexity of stepfamilies with its conflicting feelings of love and jealousy for the offspring of new lovers/spouses. And be okay with not acting mature or wise all the time. Enjoy the freedom of real choice from the fruits of your life experience.
Having difficulty with this new reality of your “later years”? Read Nuala. Celebrate romance at sixty. Identify with the complexity of stepfamilies with its conflicting feelings of love and jealousy for the offspring of new lovers/spouses. And be okay with not acting mature or wise all the time. Enjoy the freedom of real choice from the fruits of your life experience.
L'Chaim .... To Life!