Chi Nei Tsang is holistic healing by self awareness and change. It focuses physical work on the abdomen is the emotional second brain. All undigested/unprocessed emotions accumulate here. The treatments awaken us to them when we are ready to process them.
The treatments are the physical massage of the organs in the abdomen. The therapist is the facilitator as the client leads the process with the help of the sensations felt.
Chi Nei Tsang is obviously helpful for improving digestion but I have less back and neck/shoulder pain. And there are personal accounts even more remote body parts from the abdomen than mine. It also helps us mentally and emotionally. Gilles Marin, our instructor, emphasizes we cannot "fix" anyone or "heal " anything but we can stimulate the awareness that will help one to learn how to change one's attitude so that one can heal whatever it is one wants in his/her life.
I discovered Chi Nei Tsang by chance when I got tired of going to TCM’s and Naturopaths to find a solution to my poor digestion and increasing food allergies. During my biofeedback allergy treatments with Dana Zangari, a Registered Holistic Allergist and Nutritionist, http://www.pandechiropractic.ca/Dana-Zangari/dana-zangari.html. It became clear my allergies were about sweet (sugar conversion) as sweeteners, grains, legumes and vegetables and fruits with moderate to sugar content.
I was diagnosed conventionally to have high blood sugar. TCM’s have always talked about my spleen pancreas deficiency but all (and there were many ) seemed unable to improve it as my internal heat counteracted their potions.
So I rolled up my sleeves and prepared to touch and hopefully detox and strengthen my spleen/pancreas directly. Since I had only a vague idea where the spleen and pancreas was, I looked for a organ healing book to help me and fortunately found Gilles Marins book “Healing from Within with Chi Nei Tsang” which did much more. Find it at http://www.amazon.com/Healing-Within-Chi-Nei-Tsang/dp/1556433093/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1295796347&sr=1-1
From that chance find, my life changed, my health improved and more importantly less emotional obstruction in my relationships and communion with others.
We use a short version to help detox the abdominal organs in Pure + simple's Lymphomaniac Facial Treatment http://www.pureandsimple.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=101&Itemid=42#LymphomaniacFacial and I become a student of Master Gilles Marin http://www.chineitsang.com/cnti/Gilles_Marin.html .
I believe the biggest impact to how I behave and think came when I was finally was able to strengthen my Base Chakra and create a feeling of stability and security that therapists, life partners and possessions could not do. It was so simple, yet so unattainable until now. The feeling of stability and security brought me increased self-esteem and self love during the second Microcosmic Orbit Chi Kung exercise with Master Gilles Marin.
Yes, my desire to use organ massage for healing came with the side effect of a deep sense of safety. But this is only the beginning.
May your life journey be so fruitful.
For the best definition of Chi Nei Tsang go to Master Mantak Chia’s site at http://www.chi-nei-tsang-official-site.com/introduction.html