During a training session, a staff member had brought up a client's concern about bruising more than usual.
She wondered if it warranted a visit to her Doctor, Naturopathic Doctor or Traditional Chinese Doctor.
She asked us the question even though we were clearly estheticians and not doctors because of our holistic approach to beauty. Our response while specific to the client can help you understand the inter-connectivity of your body's systems and how your body communicates with you.
Bruising is caused by the damaging of the capillary walls - i.e. impact. The ease or frequency of bruising will give a clue to the condition of the capillary walls. The condition of our capillary walls will affect our blood and lymph circulation which in turn will affect our overall health. Our immunity and vitality are affected by our blood and its circulation. A lymphatic system in good working order ensures we are disease free.
The condition of the blood and lymphatic system also affects the rate we age and is easily seen in the skin. Bruising is a sign of trouble that can be accompanied by any of -- red sensitive skin, acne, dry dehydrated skin; telling us that two of the most important systems of our body is in trouble.
The client was in her 50’s, the Vata time of her life, and was slim with dry skin, a dominant Vita nature. It is currently autumn; which is Vata time of the year. Therefore her capillary walls are probably more easily bruised due to the dominant condition of Vata in her life. Since one of the main characteristics of Vata is dryness, it is safe to guess she is bruising more now due to her age, the season and the inability for her dry skin to protect her capillary walls. Therefore she is bruising due to her blood vessels being more dry and brittle than usual.
It is common to dismiss her concern as part of aging, but it is more helpful to her if she understands that the bruising is occurring because her capillary walls are growing more delicate. And like dry brittle skin, we can slow down the process with a change in our daily habits.
How can she improve the condition of her capillary walls? First she needs to maintain moist skin so it can better protect the blood vessels from external damage from the weather, sun and impact. This is where I repeat myself about the importance of moist skin-- so to prevent me from boring every one – please go to http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-am-too-young-to-be-aging.html to explore ways to keep your skin dewy and moist. Doing this will not only reduce bruising and improve circulation but you will look way more youthful.
A holistic program to maintain better circulation would include regular exercise, healthy diet and daily dosha balancing. You can learn about your doshas at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/04/ayurvedic-doshas.html and how to balance them at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/05/enjoying-weather.html
Or get it all in one book “Beauty 2.0” at Pure + simple http://www.pureandsimple.ca/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1605&category_id=257&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27#Excerpt
She wondered if it warranted a visit to her Doctor, Naturopathic Doctor or Traditional Chinese Doctor.
She asked us the question even though we were clearly estheticians and not doctors because of our holistic approach to beauty. Our response while specific to the client can help you understand the inter-connectivity of your body's systems and how your body communicates with you.
Bruising is caused by the damaging of the capillary walls - i.e. impact. The ease or frequency of bruising will give a clue to the condition of the capillary walls. The condition of our capillary walls will affect our blood and lymph circulation which in turn will affect our overall health. Our immunity and vitality are affected by our blood and its circulation. A lymphatic system in good working order ensures we are disease free.
The condition of the blood and lymphatic system also affects the rate we age and is easily seen in the skin. Bruising is a sign of trouble that can be accompanied by any of -- red sensitive skin, acne, dry dehydrated skin; telling us that two of the most important systems of our body is in trouble.
The client was in her 50’s, the Vata time of her life, and was slim with dry skin, a dominant Vita nature. It is currently autumn; which is Vata time of the year. Therefore her capillary walls are probably more easily bruised due to the dominant condition of Vata in her life. Since one of the main characteristics of Vata is dryness, it is safe to guess she is bruising more now due to her age, the season and the inability for her dry skin to protect her capillary walls. Therefore she is bruising due to her blood vessels being more dry and brittle than usual.
It is common to dismiss her concern as part of aging, but it is more helpful to her if she understands that the bruising is occurring because her capillary walls are growing more delicate. And like dry brittle skin, we can slow down the process with a change in our daily habits.
How can she improve the condition of her capillary walls? First she needs to maintain moist skin so it can better protect the blood vessels from external damage from the weather, sun and impact. This is where I repeat myself about the importance of moist skin-- so to prevent me from boring every one – please go to http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/07/i-am-too-young-to-be-aging.html to explore ways to keep your skin dewy and moist. Doing this will not only reduce bruising and improve circulation but you will look way more youthful.
A holistic program to maintain better circulation would include regular exercise, healthy diet and daily dosha balancing. You can learn about your doshas at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/04/ayurvedic-doshas.html and how to balance them at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/05/enjoying-weather.html
Or get it all in one book “Beauty 2.0” at Pure + simple http://www.pureandsimple.ca/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1605&category_id=257&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27#Excerpt
or at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Beauty-2-0-Holistic-Natural-Modern/dp/0981262406/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1258332847&sr=1-1
Now if you are bruising more frequently but you do not believe it is due to weaker capillary walls, then I recommend looking at the changes in your daily activity that causes the frequency and the impact of what is causing the bruises ;)
Now if you are bruising more frequently but you do not believe it is due to weaker capillary walls, then I recommend looking at the changes in your daily activity that causes the frequency and the impact of what is causing the bruises ;)