I wake up Friday with a huge zit on my chin. I am a paragon of good natural skincare, not. Yes even when wrinkles and dryness is a constant problem, I still breakout. Most people would blame their moisturizer or their make up for clogging their skin. But this is the least likely reason and if acted upon could cause an escalation of the situation. The reduction of moisture can cause skin dehydration which in turns causes over stimulated oil glands clogging more pores.
The best way to be rid of periodic acne is to recognize the importance of balancing our energy. The side effect of this strategy is a better understanding of myself.
In Ayurveda, blemishes mean excess “Pitta” energy. So while my desire to rid my nose of a pus-y bump has me putting a dab of green clay on it, I look for the cause of the extra heat in my life.
I quickly blame my unexpected trip here in Miami. It was obvious it is the hot humid weather and the intense sun that has caused me to breakout. Since menopause has become a part of my life, hot environments are no longer desirable. I decide that Florida is out as a future retirement home, whenever that will be.
I blame the heat for my inability to concentrate during important business communications and staying focused on my driving in a strange city.
I worry the excessive dampness has caused my bowels and my metabolism to be slow and sluggish. "Dang!", Florida should be an ideal environment for an aging Vata, like me with its Pitta and Kapha energy. The internal dampness or slowed metabolism caused by the heavy Kapha air is evident to passing onlookers as sandal-ed feet display toenails afflicted with fungus. My life partner, a Kapha would find it difficult to feel energetic and to balanced his diabetes in this environment. More confirmation this is not my future home.
So the general prescription of going south for those of us aging is not complete without understanding what environmental factors will be balancing for our health. Also, as in my case, learning a way of life that balances my health in a certain environment is more helpful than merely relying on a perfect locale.
Saturday morning at the airport, my late period appears. I was almost a month late. Menses can create energy imbalances and if I did not jump to conclusions I would have surmised that the blemish on my chin was pointing at hormonal imbalance.
Those of us who suffer from dehydration during our menses have excess Vata energy. Small blemishes from temporary dehydration will distinguish Vata imbalance from the cystic blemish caused from Pitta or Kapha excess. To remedy it, we need to increase moisture externally and internally with water and oil.
And those of us who get depressed and experience from edema and bloating at menses are suffering from excess Kapha. Lowering fatty sugary foods will help greatly. In winter go for a hot sauna and a body scrub to increase circulation. In the summer get a cool reflexology treatment and a gentle face massage.
And if your breakout is deeper and cystic as mine was and/or are easily angered, you are suffering from excess Pitta. While the main reason for my blemishes was my period, the hot climate intensified my symptoms. To cool my body I reduced the richness of my body moisturizer and I ate raw vegetables and sweet fruits.
Most us will experience one or like me suffer all three imbalances before and during our menses. Your body will tell you how to balance so be a good listener to create more harmony in your skincare and well-being.
This is a good example of how using Ayurveda for health and beauty can make your role much like that of an orchestra conductor. To create balance you need to include many factors from climate, changes in daily weather, your daily activities, your diet and your body’s internal rhythms. Different Doshas are more likely to go off balance in certain seasons. If certain food is not available you can use exercise. The more intense the situation, success can be more viable if more variables are used.
Since the climate and menopause are not in usually your control, use activities, diet and skincare to create balance in your life and health. If you need more help in this matter you can refer to Kristen’s book on Ayurveda and natural Skincare, at http://www.pureandsimple.ca/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=1641&category_id=257&manufacturer_id=0&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=27&vmcchk=1&Itemid=27
Or Deepak Chopra’s book, Perfect health http://books.google.ca/books?id=mU_sM3eG4l0C&printsec=frontcover&dq=perfect+health+deepak+chopra&source=bl&ots=VL5vZv-i92&sig=P3iNZUcHGjeIJz9Me4rpyajd2PY&hl=en&ei=WA_7S9qBCcOblgeN4aDTDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=5&ved=0CDoQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q&f=false
Or make a complimentary consultation at any Pure + simple location. Find the contact number of your closest store at http://www.pureandsimple.ca/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=75&Itemid=53