A more effective long term way to have a good relationship with your face is to learn what your body is saying with those undesirable lines.
We all agree that wrinkles are caused by skin dryness and dehydration. So lets explore the possible cause that is easiest to remedy. Surface temporary dryness can be caused by the incompatibility of your skin regime to that of your environment. To remedy this you need to understand the characteristics of your skin in relations to the weather conditions. Then use the proper skincare to supplement the deficiencies of your skin and climatic conditions. For information on skincare and the environment go to http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/05/enjoying-weather.html Presto Chango beautiful skin! If this is not the case then read on further to look at diet.
The second easiest to fix cause is diet. Make sure your diet includes enough moist foods for your body type. For example ; If you are very Vata with a busy mind and schedule along with a natural slimness then a treat of popcorn needs to be accompanied with a glass of milk or an herbal tea. See more about diet and Doshas at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/04/ayurvedic-doshas.html Foods recommendations for Vata are at http://our- metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/07/foods-for-vata.html Foods recommendations for Pitta are at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/06/foods-for-pitta.html Foods recommendations for Kapha are at http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2009/06/food-for-kaphas.html
If you are doing proper skin care and drinking lots and your skin is still dry then you need to go deeper. If you notice wrinkles, dark circles, and puffiness around the eye area, it can indicate your problem is a struggling kidney. Dehydration can signal an overloaded or a weak functioning kidney. Many clients find drinking water just means more visits to the toilet. If the kidneys are working optimally, it will recirculate water throughout out the body. Only acidic water will be excreted.
"The kidneys are sometimes called the roots of life. They are very important in determining a person's level of vitality and length of life. All sexual energy comes from the kidney, any sexual or reproductive dysfunction can be traced to them", Mantak Chia.
Gentle ways to detox the kidneys are an herbal formula with ursa ulva (visit Roger @ Thuna's or your herbalist) and Chi Nei Tsang (massage the area below the left ribs. For more information go to http://our-metamorphosis.blogspot.com/2011/01/chi-nei-tsang-what-is.html).
If you have vertical lines between the brows (third eye area) along with a golden hue to your complexion and/or chronic acne then your problem could be a stressed out liver. It may be congested and cannot filter out impurities and toxins properly. Doing a spring liver detox with herbs is an easy way to help your liver work better. Massaging the area at the bottom of your left ribs can help to gently stimulate the liver to purify.
If skin is dull with large areas of fine lines and with a tendency to break out in the forehead and along the jaw line can be a symptom indicating poor colon function. Dehydration of the skin can be caused by constipation. To stimulate peristalsis and move bowels with healthy regularity add fibre to diet, walk after meals and relax your colon with daily stomach massage. A gentle and effective way to add fibre to daily diet is Genestra Herbal Bulk. Made with the hulls of the psyllium. Massage of your tummy is easy when you know where to massage and if you have the tummy tool.
A horizontal line at the bridge of nose and vertical lines at the corners of the month can indicate a tendency for a poor functioning Pancreas. The pancreas does not just metabolize sugar with insulin production but produces digestive enzymes. Best way to remedy this is to decrease sugar in your diet and massage the middle at the bottom ribs on left side.