Enjoying the Weather
Sorry for keeping you suspense. I am blaming it all on Ayurveda.
While it is spring, many of the days were “relatively” cold and dry which stirred up my Vata.
Pure + simple is celebrating Kristen’s book on Ayurvedic beauty, BEAUTY 2.0, on June 11th. Find the book at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Beauty-2-0-Holistic-Natural-Modern/dp/0981262406/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244553268&sr=1-1
While it is spring, many of the days were “relatively” cold and dry which stirred up my Vata.
Pure + simple is celebrating Kristen’s book on Ayurvedic beauty, BEAUTY 2.0, on June 11th. Find the book at Amazon.com http://www.amazon.com/Beauty-2-0-Holistic-Natural-Modern/dp/0981262406/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1244553268&sr=1-1
So even though I have too much to do, I decide to make the food for the party. I have many logical reasons like I want to give our guests a more intimate experience and I want to give the Ayurvedic theme o the party authenticity. But honest one is not that logical. For Vatas, it’s always about the “new” with little consideration to existing responsibilities.
Did I tell you my second Dosha is Pitta? So what started as an impulsive, challenge seeking Vata idea has now become a Pitta drive for purpose, planning and perfection. The food must be true to the three Doshas, made from natural or organic ingredients and be “environmental”, be served in their own edible containers. After pouring through Ayurvedic and organic food cookbooks I decided to formulate my own recipes. After few days of testing on staff and family I am finally prepared to serve the nine dishes and is now able to continue my blog and catch up with my “real “work.
But my experience has also helped me be more engaged in advising about food to balance your Doshas . And you all can come and taste the food at the party on June 11th from 4:00pm to 7pm at Pure + simple 725 King West. As I mentioned last blog, Dr Sharma will be there to do Ayurvedic Diagnosis so you can find out your true Dosha. For more information, go to http://pureandsimple.ca/.
Back to Balancing Your Energies to the Weather
Before you can balance with the weather you need to know your Doshas.
Then you need to understand the Doshas of the things you can control like foods, types of exercise, activities and skincare.
Today I will begin with understanding the Doshas of the weather with brief advise for each of us to optimize our day with.
The Energies of your Environment
Vata Weather is dry and cold. If it is windy, it will be more intensely Vata. The characteristics are relative. You can have cold days in summer. They are just not as intensely Vata as in the cold days in fall or winter.
Balancing Vata Weather
This the worst weather for Vatas. If you want this day not to be a blur of flakiness and disorganization you will need to ground and warm up. If it is winter, eat lots of root vegetables and yes you can eat your favourite red meat. Sausages are forbidden but today you can indulge without punishment. Hearty stews and warm teas with cinnamon and ginger are in order. Smother your skin in rich moisturizers. Massage a rich oil into your scalp and then soak in a hot dead sea salt bath.
If it is summer, eat warm soups and cooked vegetables with a nourishing meat. Keep skin moist with a hydrating serum and a moderately rich cream. Massage oil on your tummy to prevent constipation. Do grounding activities like gardening, Chi Kung and standing Yoga exercises.
This is ideal weather for Pittas who are usually too hot. You will be in a sweet mood and will feel more energized so don’t over do it. You can eat foods that you normally shouldn’t, -- like ones that are spicy, salty and sour. So eat your favourite yogurt and curries today. If it is winter you will need to protect skin from the dramatic changes of temperatures between indoor and outdoor. But on cool summer day just make sure your skin is hydrated and protected from the sun. Indulge in competitive exercise and activities today.
The dry and the windiness are good for Kapha. It stimulates otherwise slow energy. But Kaphas need to balance the coldness. Warm spicy foods are welcomed. Warming body oil will help to warm skin and keep circulation optimal. Aerobic exercise in the morning will help keep Kapha from feeling fatigued.
Balancing Pitta Weather
Pitta Weather is hot. If it is humid, it is even more Pitta. Again it is relative. A sudden warm spell in the winter can trigger a Pitta imbalance but not as much as a hot day in July.
Vatas are loving this. If it is summer, Vatas can indulge in eating ice cream and other forbidden cold foods. If it is winter, go ahead have a little of the drier foods like popcorn. Normal personal care can be lightened up to gain more comfort.
The heat can stir up rosacea, rashes, irritability and fatigue for fiery Pittas. Eat raw cold foods to cool off from the inside out. Cool down quickly with a slice of sweet melon or a salad with lots of cucumber. Summer is a great time for Pittas to follow a raw food diet. It not a “caveman” diet if you have a great raw food recipe book like, RAW FOOD, by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis. The recipes will satisfy the most sophisticated and delicate palate. For more information on the book go to http://www.amazon.com/Raw-Food-Real-World-Recipes/dp/0060793554/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1198200321&sr=1-1
While winter weather is cold, the warmer wet spell can unbalance Pittas unwittingly, so take note of this occurrence and cool down the diet. Keep skin hydrated and in summer keep skin cool with hydrating spritzes like Organic Chamomile Hydrosol, to view product information go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/skincare.html#waters No matter what you choose, make sure the floral water is pure and natural as not to irritate sensitive Pitta skin. Pitta skin that is too hot can become red, inflamed and / or blemish so skin smooth with hydration and protection from heat and sun.
Kaphas will love this unless there is too much humidity. To balance the high moisture content in the air, eat dry foods and lessen liquid intake. Skincare can be a non issue except in high humidity where Kapha then may need to keep drier with a powder for face and body like Jurlique Silk Finishing Powder in Lavender or rose. To view product information go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/jurlique.html#masks
Balancing Kapha Weather
Kapha Weather is cold and damp. Again as in Vata and Pitta the intensity matters. Cold damp days in March are more unbalancing than one in August.
Vata love the damp but will need to balance the cold with warm foods and oily moisturizers. Vigorous exercise can keep Vatas warm.
Pittas love the cold so they can eat foods that they normally would avoid like spicy or hot foods. If it is winter Pittas need to protect skin from the cold to prevent redness and excess dehydration.
Kapha’s will want to stay in their warm dry beds during this weather. Keep warm and invigorated by eating foods that are warm and dry like popcorn, or spicy like a curry. Massage face and body with a warming oil like mustard to keep warm. For oils that are great for Kapha go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/ayurvedic.html Vigorous exercise like spinning can prevent that dull sluggish feeling. You feel like you may be sick or coming down with an illness but actually your circulatory system is just too slow and you are not getting enough oxygen to you brain. So don’t pamper yourself with rest—get up and go for a run.
Sounds complicated or far fetched? Test it out. What have you got to lose but the predicament of being at the whim of your constantly changing environment?
Did I tell you my second Dosha is Pitta? So what started as an impulsive, challenge seeking Vata idea has now become a Pitta drive for purpose, planning and perfection. The food must be true to the three Doshas, made from natural or organic ingredients and be “environmental”, be served in their own edible containers. After pouring through Ayurvedic and organic food cookbooks I decided to formulate my own recipes. After few days of testing on staff and family I am finally prepared to serve the nine dishes and is now able to continue my blog and catch up with my “real “work.
But my experience has also helped me be more engaged in advising about food to balance your Doshas . And you all can come and taste the food at the party on June 11th from 4:00pm to 7pm at Pure + simple 725 King West. As I mentioned last blog, Dr Sharma will be there to do Ayurvedic Diagnosis so you can find out your true Dosha. For more information, go to http://pureandsimple.ca/.
Back to Balancing Your Energies to the Weather
Before you can balance with the weather you need to know your Doshas.
Then you need to understand the Doshas of the things you can control like foods, types of exercise, activities and skincare.
Today I will begin with understanding the Doshas of the weather with brief advise for each of us to optimize our day with.
The Energies of your Environment
Vata Weather is dry and cold. If it is windy, it will be more intensely Vata. The characteristics are relative. You can have cold days in summer. They are just not as intensely Vata as in the cold days in fall or winter.
Balancing Vata Weather
This the worst weather for Vatas. If you want this day not to be a blur of flakiness and disorganization you will need to ground and warm up. If it is winter, eat lots of root vegetables and yes you can eat your favourite red meat. Sausages are forbidden but today you can indulge without punishment. Hearty stews and warm teas with cinnamon and ginger are in order. Smother your skin in rich moisturizers. Massage a rich oil into your scalp and then soak in a hot dead sea salt bath.
If it is summer, eat warm soups and cooked vegetables with a nourishing meat. Keep skin moist with a hydrating serum and a moderately rich cream. Massage oil on your tummy to prevent constipation. Do grounding activities like gardening, Chi Kung and standing Yoga exercises.
This is ideal weather for Pittas who are usually too hot. You will be in a sweet mood and will feel more energized so don’t over do it. You can eat foods that you normally shouldn’t, -- like ones that are spicy, salty and sour. So eat your favourite yogurt and curries today. If it is winter you will need to protect skin from the dramatic changes of temperatures between indoor and outdoor. But on cool summer day just make sure your skin is hydrated and protected from the sun. Indulge in competitive exercise and activities today.
The dry and the windiness are good for Kapha. It stimulates otherwise slow energy. But Kaphas need to balance the coldness. Warm spicy foods are welcomed. Warming body oil will help to warm skin and keep circulation optimal. Aerobic exercise in the morning will help keep Kapha from feeling fatigued.
Balancing Pitta Weather
Pitta Weather is hot. If it is humid, it is even more Pitta. Again it is relative. A sudden warm spell in the winter can trigger a Pitta imbalance but not as much as a hot day in July.
Vatas are loving this. If it is summer, Vatas can indulge in eating ice cream and other forbidden cold foods. If it is winter, go ahead have a little of the drier foods like popcorn. Normal personal care can be lightened up to gain more comfort.
The heat can stir up rosacea, rashes, irritability and fatigue for fiery Pittas. Eat raw cold foods to cool off from the inside out. Cool down quickly with a slice of sweet melon or a salad with lots of cucumber. Summer is a great time for Pittas to follow a raw food diet. It not a “caveman” diet if you have a great raw food recipe book like, RAW FOOD, by Matthew Kenney and Sarma Melngailis. The recipes will satisfy the most sophisticated and delicate palate. For more information on the book go to http://www.amazon.com/Raw-Food-Real-World-Recipes/dp/0060793554/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1198200321&sr=1-1
While winter weather is cold, the warmer wet spell can unbalance Pittas unwittingly, so take note of this occurrence and cool down the diet. Keep skin hydrated and in summer keep skin cool with hydrating spritzes like Organic Chamomile Hydrosol, to view product information go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/skincare.html#waters No matter what you choose, make sure the floral water is pure and natural as not to irritate sensitive Pitta skin. Pitta skin that is too hot can become red, inflamed and / or blemish so skin smooth with hydration and protection from heat and sun.
Kaphas will love this unless there is too much humidity. To balance the high moisture content in the air, eat dry foods and lessen liquid intake. Skincare can be a non issue except in high humidity where Kapha then may need to keep drier with a powder for face and body like Jurlique Silk Finishing Powder in Lavender or rose. To view product information go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/jurlique.html#masks
Balancing Kapha Weather
Kapha Weather is cold and damp. Again as in Vata and Pitta the intensity matters. Cold damp days in March are more unbalancing than one in August.
Vata love the damp but will need to balance the cold with warm foods and oily moisturizers. Vigorous exercise can keep Vatas warm.
Pittas love the cold so they can eat foods that they normally would avoid like spicy or hot foods. If it is winter Pittas need to protect skin from the cold to prevent redness and excess dehydration.
Kapha’s will want to stay in their warm dry beds during this weather. Keep warm and invigorated by eating foods that are warm and dry like popcorn, or spicy like a curry. Massage face and body with a warming oil like mustard to keep warm. For oils that are great for Kapha go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/ayurvedic.html Vigorous exercise like spinning can prevent that dull sluggish feeling. You feel like you may be sick or coming down with an illness but actually your circulatory system is just too slow and you are not getting enough oxygen to you brain. So don’t pamper yourself with rest—get up and go for a run.
Sounds complicated or far fetched? Test it out. What have you got to lose but the predicament of being at the whim of your constantly changing environment?