I am on my way to New York City to attend the Sustainable Cosmetic conference but what I am really looking forward to is my Korean Body Scrub booked at Yi Pak.
I have been suffering from extreme peri-menopause. My PMS has escalated with an increase in the duration and number of hellish symptoms and along with the increased incidences of brain fog and intolerance from internal heat.
I look like I am tired even when I am not.
I know from experience and research that this is caused by the dance of poor circulation and dehydration. So the thought of a wet hot sauna and then a vigorous body scrub spelled relief.
Constance Gaud, author of “The Energy Prescription” – (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dus-stripbooks-tree&field-keywords=The+energy+prescription&x=10&y=21) a shaman and pharmacist wrote that. “…what is dry is dead”.
This seems to be the story of my physical body. As I age, I struggle more to keep my body from drying out. My skin needs more attention to stay healthy and hydrated warning of internal dehydration. My mucous membranes are more irritated by the lack of moisture in my body. Even my eyesight is affected by my hydration levels.
What causes this increasing drying of our bodies. I found that my hot flashes or the less dramatic but constant higher heat in my body causes increased dryness. The lower circulation brings less moisture and nutrients to our skin cells, especially the ones at our extremities like our head, hands and feet.
So what can we do about this?
We can take more care in making sure we eat more moist foods like vegetables and fruit. Fruit is especially good if you are in a hot spell as sweet tastes cools down the body. Reaching for a chocolate bar or a piece of cake - even a slice of Dufflets - is temporary with side effects.
Body treatments like massage can help our body’s circulation and relax us (less heat).
Making sure your skin is moist and warm will help maintain or increase circulation to those areas.
I have been receiving Intense Pulse Light Treatments and Sea Salt Microdermabrasion to help me look more youthful. Both of these treatments increase collagen production and the Sea Salt Microdermabrasion was a great treatment to increase the skins ability to appear more hydrated.
But Georgeta one of our senior estheticians has a following of clients that received only micro current facials and the occasional Sea Salt Microdermabrasion to look their youthful best.
A month ago, my long time client Alice showed me her NuFace hand held microcurent machine for home use. She claims it help her facial skin to tone up. While the results were minimal, she was satisfied.
In the fall, I had been crazy busy with moving a spa and then I was off for PanchaKarma. When I got back I had to start preparing franchise plans for an interested party from China. So I was way past the ideal time to do my annual course of Sea Salt Microdermabrasion and Intense Pulse Light Treatments.
So I gave the less used micro current a try. A great decision because I found that the treatment increased circulation so that my sinuses were released and my eyes were less puffy while my skin looked more toned, radiant and dewy. While we have offered this treatment to clients for years, as a Vata, the results were not fast or dramatic enough. Also the more frequent treatments required to keep results were not attractive to my more change-oriented nature.
I am not alone. When we help our clients choose and plan their skincare maintenance, the possibility of multiple monthly treatments were not a time or budgetary commitment they were ready to make.
I am in the third week of my treatments and to keep up the improvements I need to have a micro current facial here in NYC. I want to find a good one so I can bring back something new for our staff.
But my seven weekly treatments end soon so when I get back I will be exploring the market of hand held micro current machines. I have a call into NuFace but it is not in my nature to take the first option. I am looking for the best one.
This will give an viable alternative for those of us who want to age gracefully but slowly to be able to benefit from Micro current treatments by extend our professional treatments to monthly. Sure the results may be less and of course it’s not as enjoyable but we lean to trade off in our time insufficient world. Wish me luck as I am finding lots of crazy concepts for thses hand held units.
I have been suffering from extreme peri-menopause. My PMS has escalated with an increase in the duration and number of hellish symptoms and along with the increased incidences of brain fog and intolerance from internal heat.
I look like I am tired even when I am not.
I know from experience and research that this is caused by the dance of poor circulation and dehydration. So the thought of a wet hot sauna and then a vigorous body scrub spelled relief.
Constance Gaud, author of “The Energy Prescription” – (http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dus-stripbooks-tree&field-keywords=The+energy+prescription&x=10&y=21) a shaman and pharmacist wrote that. “…what is dry is dead”.
This seems to be the story of my physical body. As I age, I struggle more to keep my body from drying out. My skin needs more attention to stay healthy and hydrated warning of internal dehydration. My mucous membranes are more irritated by the lack of moisture in my body. Even my eyesight is affected by my hydration levels.
What causes this increasing drying of our bodies. I found that my hot flashes or the less dramatic but constant higher heat in my body causes increased dryness. The lower circulation brings less moisture and nutrients to our skin cells, especially the ones at our extremities like our head, hands and feet.
So what can we do about this?
We can take more care in making sure we eat more moist foods like vegetables and fruit. Fruit is especially good if you are in a hot spell as sweet tastes cools down the body. Reaching for a chocolate bar or a piece of cake - even a slice of Dufflets - is temporary with side effects.
Body treatments like massage can help our body’s circulation and relax us (less heat).
Making sure your skin is moist and warm will help maintain or increase circulation to those areas.
I have been receiving Intense Pulse Light Treatments and Sea Salt Microdermabrasion to help me look more youthful. Both of these treatments increase collagen production and the Sea Salt Microdermabrasion was a great treatment to increase the skins ability to appear more hydrated.
But Georgeta one of our senior estheticians has a following of clients that received only micro current facials and the occasional Sea Salt Microdermabrasion to look their youthful best.
A month ago, my long time client Alice showed me her NuFace hand held microcurent machine for home use. She claims it help her facial skin to tone up. While the results were minimal, she was satisfied.
In the fall, I had been crazy busy with moving a spa and then I was off for PanchaKarma. When I got back I had to start preparing franchise plans for an interested party from China. So I was way past the ideal time to do my annual course of Sea Salt Microdermabrasion and Intense Pulse Light Treatments.
So I gave the less used micro current a try. A great decision because I found that the treatment increased circulation so that my sinuses were released and my eyes were less puffy while my skin looked more toned, radiant and dewy. While we have offered this treatment to clients for years, as a Vata, the results were not fast or dramatic enough. Also the more frequent treatments required to keep results were not attractive to my more change-oriented nature.
I am not alone. When we help our clients choose and plan their skincare maintenance, the possibility of multiple monthly treatments were not a time or budgetary commitment they were ready to make.
I am in the third week of my treatments and to keep up the improvements I need to have a micro current facial here in NYC. I want to find a good one so I can bring back something new for our staff.
But my seven weekly treatments end soon so when I get back I will be exploring the market of hand held micro current machines. I have a call into NuFace but it is not in my nature to take the first option. I am looking for the best one.
This will give an viable alternative for those of us who want to age gracefully but slowly to be able to benefit from Micro current treatments by extend our professional treatments to monthly. Sure the results may be less and of course it’s not as enjoyable but we lean to trade off in our time insufficient world. Wish me luck as I am finding lots of crazy concepts for thses hand held units.