Under the Weather and Feeling Good
Don’t complain about bad weather. Get even. Or balanced
Use it to connect to balance your health and to look better.
Are you still with me?
What I am about to say may sound complicated but other than do what you always have been doing like eating and taking care of yourself, you need only to add noting the weather.
I have introduced the Doshas in my previous blog entries. In Ayurveda, there are three Doshas; Vata, Pitta, Kapha. They are derived from the five elements; Air, Space (Vata), Fire (Pitta), Water, Earth (Kapha). Each person and everything that exists around us are made from these elements and have a combination of the three Doshas.
If you are Vata: it means that you have a higher ratio of air/space. If you are Vata Pitta, it just means that you are equally high in air/space and fire/water. And the rarer combination is Tridosha meaning you have equal quantities of each of the energies.
You can discover your Doshas by allowing an Ayurvedic Doctor take your pulse. A great opportunity to do this is approaching as Dr Sharma will be doing complimentary Ayurvedic Diagnosis at Pure + simple’s 725 King Street West Location on Thursday, June 11th from 4:00-7:00pm.
To see a summary of the Dosha characteristics go to my April 1, 2009 blog entry or go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/ayurvedic.html .
You can also take a Dosha test that can be found in Kristen Ma’s book, BEAUTY 2.0. It is available on line and at any Pure + simple location. Or you can do a self test which you can get at any Pure + simple location. For a convenient location, go to (http://www.pureandsimple.ca )
Then you need to be aware of the weather conditions in the morning. Be familiar with the weather characteristics wind (air) , humidity (water) , temperature hot (fire), wet cold (earth), dry cold (air) Cold damp weather is Kapha, Hot weather is Pitta. And Cold dry weather is Vata. Of course it is important to note the intensity of the characteristics so you can respond with the appropriate intensity. So if it’s windy that would make it very Vata.
You then need to learn how to balance the weather conditions with your own energies with diet and personal grooming to maintain good health and beautiful youthful skin.
I will discuss diet and personal grooming and exercise in balancing you Doshas to the weather in my next entry.
Don’t complain about bad weather. Get even. Or balanced
Use it to connect to balance your health and to look better.
Are you still with me?
What I am about to say may sound complicated but other than do what you always have been doing like eating and taking care of yourself, you need only to add noting the weather.
I have introduced the Doshas in my previous blog entries. In Ayurveda, there are three Doshas; Vata, Pitta, Kapha. They are derived from the five elements; Air, Space (Vata), Fire (Pitta), Water, Earth (Kapha). Each person and everything that exists around us are made from these elements and have a combination of the three Doshas.
If you are Vata: it means that you have a higher ratio of air/space. If you are Vata Pitta, it just means that you are equally high in air/space and fire/water. And the rarer combination is Tridosha meaning you have equal quantities of each of the energies.
You can discover your Doshas by allowing an Ayurvedic Doctor take your pulse. A great opportunity to do this is approaching as Dr Sharma will be doing complimentary Ayurvedic Diagnosis at Pure + simple’s 725 King Street West Location on Thursday, June 11th from 4:00-7:00pm.
To see a summary of the Dosha characteristics go to my April 1, 2009 blog entry or go to http://www.pureandsimple.ca/2005/files/products/ayurvedic.html .
You can also take a Dosha test that can be found in Kristen Ma’s book, BEAUTY 2.0. It is available on line and at any Pure + simple location. Or you can do a self test which you can get at any Pure + simple location. For a convenient location, go to (http://www.pureandsimple.ca )
Then you need to be aware of the weather conditions in the morning. Be familiar with the weather characteristics wind (air) , humidity (water) , temperature hot (fire), wet cold (earth), dry cold (air) Cold damp weather is Kapha, Hot weather is Pitta. And Cold dry weather is Vata. Of course it is important to note the intensity of the characteristics so you can respond with the appropriate intensity. So if it’s windy that would make it very Vata.
You then need to learn how to balance the weather conditions with your own energies with diet and personal grooming to maintain good health and beautiful youthful skin.
I will discuss diet and personal grooming and exercise in balancing you Doshas to the weather in my next entry.