Fall has been with us for 2 weeks now. We have just experienced from a distance the turbulence of Hurricane Irene. These 2 things increase the instability and lightness within us.
For those of us who have Vata Prakriti (genetic characteristic to be light, flexible and spiritual) or Vata Vikrati (an imbalance that could manifest as indecision, turbo-speed, and nervous disorders), this can cause extreme imbalance in our behavior and health.
To counteract this very light, fast, dry energy, I recommend including Kidney Chi Kung in your morning practice. It will strengthen the and detoxify the Kidneys a weakness with Vatas and it will help ground you for the day.
It was taught to me by my Chi Nei Tsang Master Gilles Marin along with other useful Chi Kungs like Sleeping Chi Kung, Sunning Meditation and Bone Breathing Chi Kung
The Above Photos will help demonstrate the following instructions. # 1 corresponds with the first photo and so on.
1. With your back facing the Sun - Breathe in and stretch arms up. opening the front of your body
2. Breathe out while simultaneously pulling Chi into your body
3. Continue to breath out as you bend over with length of torso on your thighs
4. Then push your tail bone up as far as you can without releasing your torso from your thighs. Feel the Chi of your Kidneys in this position
5. release and start to open front of body as you breath in and stretch arms upwards. Go to #1 and start again
It is important to have your back face the sun so that the sun's infared rays can nourish your kidney area.
You can add another step to intensify the cleansing of your kidney. Half way in #5 stop and tap your kidney area gently. You are still feeling the rays of the sun on the Kidney area. sometimes you feel the rays more intensely in this position.
The healing infared rays of the sun are known for healing. It is being used in Japan to cure cancer. Infared saunas are used for detoxification.
You can purchase infared devises to heal all sorts of diseases. I recommend this Chi Kung and infared equipment and devises to help balance Vata and Kapha Prakritis and Vikritis.