Mother’s Day has come and gone.
“They say” that one out of two hundred people on Earth today is a descendant of Genghis Khan. Proving his disappointment of not conquering the world before dying was premature. Therefore it was fortunate he just couldn’t heed advice to prolong his life with abstinence. His descendants have became rulers and prominent citizens in Europe, Middle East, Asia even in America.
But this was accomplished through social selection and not genetics. So kudos are due to the mothers contributing to his enduring conquest. But who are these nameless faceless women who have raised such a successful group of descendants? Few of us even know the name of his wife, Börte, who was an instrumental in his historic success.
Women have contributed much to history as support players but now we have the options without guilt, fear or regret to be active participants.
Since we no longer borrow our positions in society and history from a male relative, husband or son, our destinies are no longer the victims of our ability to attract an eligible male.
We no longer need to abuse or disfigure our bodies to conform to societal ideals. We can now shape our unique beauty based on health and personal growth. To be loved for who we really are and not what we would like to be is healthy and encourages growing self knowledge.
Most of us Boomers have offset such fortune with our acceptance of the traditional convention. Many of us have in the past participated in the public scorn of so-called "women's Libbers" implying their motives were due to misguided beliefs or their lack of attractiveness.
But we Boomers can redeem ourselves - I - a Mid-Boomer- am "only" 55 years old – so, yeah – NO! to ageism, too. It is never too late to realize a true calling in life and unconditional self love.
Beauty based on health is a strategic choice. Strategic because our daily actions to increase or maintain our attractiveness are part of a bigger plan of a healthy life and personal success.
Beauty dependent on whim, fashion or poor self image can lead to disappointing long term results and for some ---a futile preoccupation. I.e. Botox - exactly how does investing large sums of money to inject a toxin into your body contributing to a long term youthfulness and healthy organic lifestyle?
When we are open to beauty’s diversity, we start to see health and spirit as the foundations of beauty. As we connect to our personal health and learn to know ourselves more, we create goals that lead to personal and community happiness.
We customize our lifestyle - diet, exercise, work – with simple holistic guides like Ayurveda. Spiritual Practice, which helps us connect and balance, is an integral part of our life as we exercise with mind body exercises like Yoga, Chi Kung, Tai Chi. Our diet reflects not only with our concerns for personal pleasure and health but for our planet's sustainability. All this personal commitment can only lead our ability to wisely influence the governance of our communities and world.
Successful skincare is also based on the principles of holistic, natural and sustainability. Like diet, exercise and work choices – the care our bodies based on our life principles can be a win for lasting beauty, for personal health and for a better world.
The great part of being a mother is not Mother’s Day but our power to pass our wisdom and love to all who follow us.
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