Detoxification is spring cleaning for our body. It focuses on cleansing our organs.
Many feel there is no need to do it. That may be true for those of us who eat impeccably well and according to our body type as well as get enough rest, our bodies will detoxify nightly as we sleep.
But for the rest of us, detoxification is important to help us maintain optimal performance of our bodies and decreases the abilities of antigens to start disease.
How do we know we need to detox?
When organs are too toxic to operate properly they will offload the toxins into the bloodstream. Impure blood will cause skin to manifest undesirable and sometimes irritating conditions like acne and rashes. When the toxin laden blood nourishes our muscles it causes the muscles to ache.
Detoxification is recommended when you suffer from the following symptoms; acne, rashes, chronic muscle soreness, muscle weakness, congestion, mind fog, irritation, lack of concentration, headaches, decreased sex drive, menstrual problems, infertility and dehydration.
How do we start ?
The first thing you need to do is to take inventory of your lifestyle habits and the symptoms you are experiencing. These symptoms are clues to the condition of your organs and why you need to detoxify.
If we are well rested regular detoxification happens nightly while we sleep. Detoxification requires much energy so before you start a detox program, rate your energy level. If you are tired or sleep deprived then you need to rest up first. Otherwise you will not have a successful detox.
No – Just because you bought the program and complete it, it does not automatically mean your organs are cleared. And don’t blame the detox program if you do not feel the detox was successful. So, no short cuts. REST.
Take inventory of what symptoms you have and where they are. Chronic shore shoulders and neck indicate the Liver sluggishness. Lower back pain and weak limbs may be cause by an overworked Kidney. Acne along the jaw line can suggest a congested colon. Rashes, acne or redness in the cheeks can imply respiratory weakness.
You can also enlist the help of a alternative health therapist like a naturopath..
Start with a colon cleanse. There are many ways to clean your colon. Natural remedies like Genestra Herbal bulk with Genestra Replete are favorites of mine. You can also go for a series of colonics. Regular colonics may be the solution to chronic constipation. Massage your stomach so that your bowels will evacuate more easily.
Then it’s time to cleanse the kidneys. There are many great herbal preparations like Banyan's Kidney Formula. If you want a customized formula go to an herbalist. My favourite herbalist is Roger at Thunas , Find out more at Thuna’s and roger at http://bit.ly/l3bKWv
You can give your kidneys a rest by not eating red meat and other fatty foods for a period of time as you consume cleansing juices like watermelon juice.
You can also use Chi Nei Tsang, a stomach massage that works directly on your organs. You can massage yourself daily. It will not only detox organs but if you do it at night you will sleep better. If you do it in the morning it will facilitate a complete bowel movement. Learn more by going to http://www.chineitsang.com/cnti/Treatments.html
Then it is the liver's turn. Again Banyan is a good source. The Liver Formula is based on traditional Ayurvedic formulas and a these formulas are followed by the best herbal remedy companies in the world. You can try the Liver Gallbladder Flush by Hulda Clark. For her cleanse go to http://www.drclark.net/en/cleanses_clean-ups/liver_cleanses/liver_cleanse.php
Again Chi Nei Tsang is a good option for detoxification and is a great complement with another method of detoxification. Daily treatments will not only keep your organs healthy but also encourage better sleep patterns.
I am currently teaching some clients and staff on how to massage their stomachs with the Tummy Tool. . Staff will be trained to show the tummy massage when we introduce Chi Nei Tsang in a facial this September.
To make the tummy massage easy and fun I have bought the handcrafted Tummy Tool from one of Master Gilles Marin’s students and Chi Nei Tsang Practitioner. I will tell you more about Andrew later too. Right now there is barely enough for the clients and staff that really need them.
Don’t wait for the Tummy Tool to detoxify and stay well!
Very Interesting.I will be trying the stomach massage and see if it really works..Thanks Jean. Cheers.