Keeping your colon clean should be your priority for optimal physical health. The proper functioning of your other organs depends greatly on their ability to dump their waste into the colon.
While daily bowel movements should do the job; for most of us stress, sleep deprivation, unconscious eating and our toxic food and environment overloads our colon.
Therefore we need to detoxify on a regular basis and colon cleansing is the first step in any detoxification program.
How often should we detoxify and cleanse our colon? A toxic colon can be seen in the blemishes below the cheekbones and above the jaw line. Acne is more serious when a toxic colon affects liver function. Other symptoms of deeper organ toxicity are chronic skin redness and puffiness. The areas that are affected tell you which organ is being stressed out.
Other organs are affected when we observe deeper symptoms of impure blood like chronic muscle pain, brain fog and blurry vision.
Our colon needs to be clean to effectively absorb nutrition from the food we consume.
A constipated colon will not only affect blood purity but will cause internal dehydration seen in dull finely lined skin.
You have many ways to detox the colon. Choose one that is most agreeable to you.
The most popular way to keep your colon clean and functioning well is adding fibre like psyllium or chicory to your diet.
The next step is to reintroduce good bacteria back into your colon by taking Acidophilus. You have the choice of different types of pro-biotic and the choice of the source from dairy to vegetable. Choose one that will increase your health without allergy.
While laxatives are not recommended, herbs like Senna and Triphala can help with emptying the bowels effectively. Senna is quite aggressive while Triphala is gentle and it has the added benefit of increasing the overall health of the colon. My favourite source for Triphala is Banyan Botanicals. Pure + simple used to carry the high quality organic Ayurvedic herbs for our clients but due to new rules from Health Canada we are not able to do this anymore. So order yours at http://www.banyanbotanicals.com/prodinfo.asp?number=1051
Another way to detox your colon is to visit a colon therapist for a colonic. This deeper version of an enema will super cleanse your colon. It is also a great way to start and finish a detoxification or fasting program.
Fasting for a day or two will also give your colon a rest and allow it to clean out. Clients and staff of Pure + simple have reap great health benefits from short fasts that include the Master Cleanse and Juice Fasting. Fasting needs to be accompanied with lots of liquids to be successful and to be healthy for you.
I have tried all of the above and will continue to use them. But now I have discovered a great accompaniment, Chi Nei Tsang. This is more than stomach massage. It is a means to getting to know yourself better, inside out. Finally you know where your colon is and how to stimulate it to evacuate. You start to understand the effects of stress on your organ’s function. You also become aware of how relaxation can reduce any negative symptoms of the overloaded poorly functioning organ. And if you choose, you can begin a journey of emotional healing as your emotions affect your organs and the state of your organs affect your emotions.
In the words of Mantak Chia, founder of the Universal Tao “Chi Nei Tsang can help the skin, lymphatic system and organs handle the overload. You will be doing their work with your fingers. Massaging these systems. “jump-starts” them and gets them moving.”